There may be an update for Google Chrome that will help (although there are no known problems with previous versions), to activate the update, click the options icon at the top right and choose 'About Google Chrome' - once the update has downloaded, Chrome will request a restart.
After checking if there is still a problem, the next step would be to clear the browser cache: - we recommend selecting only cookies and plug in data.
If this does not help, other possible causes are a browser extension that may be inadvertently blocking parts of the site, for example an ad blocker - turning off extensions via the settings menu one by one would identify such a culprit.
If you use a third party anti-virus program, this could also be blocking certain elements that originate from a secondary website - temporarily turning off your anti-virus will check this.
Hopefully the issue will be resolved with the suggested update or other suggestions, but please let us know if the problem persists and we can investigate further for you.