Which properties generate better response?

In general, Prime listing will always attract more visitors and generate more enquires.

The rest depends on individual characteristics of a property(such as price, location, descriptions, etc)  and the way your company profile.

Enquiry rates can fluctuate month to month for each agent. To maximise your enquiries, we recommend you ensure that your properties have full and detailed descriptions in each language. If you do not have translations in some languages and are uploading manually, we recommend you use the automatic translation checkboxes. If you are uploading using an XML feed, try to make sure you include features for each property by use of feature tags (consult with your feed provider).
We also take into account the quality of property images and recommend that the photos you upload are at least 1280 x 960 pixels - you can add up to to 50 photos per property.

Adding videos, virtual tours and remote viewings will also increase number of your contacts.

Visitors also pay attention to your profile in Kyero agent directory, therefore make sure all information there is updated.