Prime vs Free listings

What's the difference between Prime & Free listings?

Prime listings are highlighted and boosted to have extra visibility on, always appear first in all search results and get 5x more enquiries, 8x more property views, and 12x more searches.


Prime Listings  ALWAYS  appear ABOVE  Free Listings, and 5x MORE enquiries


How do Prime and Free listings appear on


Prime listing

Highlighted visibility. Showcasing agent logo, video, virtual tour & remote viewing features (circled)

Screenshot 2021-10-28 at 13.05.10

Free listing

Basic features

Screenshot 2021-10-28 at 13.29.06


What do Prime listings have that Free listings don't have?

Screenshot 2021-10-28 at 13.59.19


    Speak to our team today to discuss how you can increase your visibility and boost the number of leads you receive by making some or all of your portfolio Prime.