Estate Agent Directory

A list of all our agents in one place so visitors can find you. Visitors can search for agents who have properties in a particular location and filter for agents who speak their language

Your chance to really showcase your agency and stand out from the competition.  People buy from people, so you can add photos of you and your team, share testimonials and recommendations from happy buyers, and really make the most of this opportunity to encourage visitors to choose you and your agency to help them find their dream home in Spain.  

And one extra benefit, you’ll also be able to receive seller leads as well as buyer leads, enabling you to capitalise on this additional route to market too.

What features do we offer to agents?

  • Your logo and a banner picture
  • An About section with details on your business and space for testimonials
  • A Team section if you have photos of your staff
  • An Office section with your contact details and address with location map
  • A Properties section which details how many properties you have for sale and/or rent
  • A Contact form so visitors can get in touch with you easily & directly
  • A Buyer stories section so if you’ve participated in one of our Buyer’s Story Podcasts, potential visitors can hear how brilliantly helpful you are!

Kyero Agent Directory

Where to add your information

All the information is taken from your Agent Profile on your Kyero Dashboard.  And the more details you fill in on your Dashboard, the more information your potential buyers will be able to see. 

Kyero Agent Directory